CBSE Class 12th Music Notes in Hindi Pdf Code 35
Examination Structure for Assessment (2024-25)
Class – XII
Theory Total: 100 Marks
Time: 02 hours 30Marks
Practical (External Assessment)
Time: 20-25 Minutes for each candidate 70 Marks
- Examiners are requested to ask the questions directly related to the syllabus.
- Marks should be awarded in accordance with the marking scheme.
Distribution of Marks
Sr.No. | Value Points | Marks |
1. | Tuning of Instrument and questions regarding instrument | 05 |
2. | Aalap, Jor, Jhala with Meend in one choice Raga from prescribed Ragas: · Bhairav · Bageshri · Malkauns | 10+05=1 5
3. | One Choice Raga (Masitkhani Gat and Razakhani) fromprescribed Ragas | 15 |
4. | Razakhani Gat with Toda and Jhala of Examiner’s choice | 05 |
5. | One composition in Ektala or in Jhaptala. | 05 |
6. | Identifying the prescribed Ragas. | 05+05=10 |
7. | Reciting the Thekas of prescribed Talas with hand beats in Thah, Dugun and Chaugun: · Jhaptala · Rupak | 05+05=10
8. | Practical File
| 05 |
- External Examiner will refer to the distribution of Marks while examining the candidate for Practical Examination.
Course Structure (2024-25) Class – XII
Theory 30 Marks
Periods – 40
Time: 02hours 70 Marks
- Questions to be set with internal choice covering the entire syllabus.
No. | Units | No. of Periods | Marks
| Units 1 | 08 | 06 |
1.1 | Brief study of the following Gram, Murchhana,Alankar, Alap, Tana. | 03 |
1.2 | Brief study of the following Gamak, Meend, Kan, krintan, Zamzama, Ghaseet, Sut. | 05 |
| Unit 2 | 05 | 06 |
2.1 | Historical development of Time Theory of Ragas | 05 |
| Unit 3 | 08 | 06 |
3.1 | Detail study of the following Sangeet Ratnakar Sangeet Parijat | 04 |
3.2 | Life sketch and Contribution of Inayat Khan, MushtaqAli Khan, Alauddin Khan | 04
| Unit 4 | 09 | 06 |
4.1 | Description of Prescribed Talas along with Tala Notationwith Thah, Dugun, Tigun and Chaugun prescribed Talas: Jhaptala Rupak | 04 |
4.2 | Tuning of the Instrument opted for. | 05 |
| Unit 5 | 10 | 06 |
5.1 | Critical study of Prescribed Ragas along with Recognizing Ragas phrases of Swaras and elaborating them. | 04
5.2 | Writing in Notation the Compositions of Prescribed Ragas : Bhairav, Bageshri, Malkauns. | 06 |
Class XII
Practical –100 Periods 70 Marks
Sr.No | Topics | No. of periods (100) |
1. | One Razakhani Gat in prescribed Ragas Bhairav BageshriMalkauns with simple elaborations, Todas and Jhala. | 45 |
2. | One Masitkhani Gat in prescribed Ragas with simple elaborations and a few Todas. | 14 |
3. | Alaap, Jor, Jhala in any one of the prescribed ragas with abilityto produce meend of minimum two swaras | 08 |
4. | One composition in Ektala or in Jhaptala in any one of the prescribed ragas. | 08 |
5. | Ability to recite thekas of Jhaptal, Rupak with Dugun, keeping tala with hand beats. | 08 |
6. | Ability to recognize the swaras of the prescribed Ragas sung orplayed by the examiner. | 10 |
7. | Tuning of instrument opted for. | 07 |
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