CBSE Class 12 Hindustani Music Percussion Instruments Notes in Hindi
HINDUSTANI MUSIC Percussion Instruments (Code – 036)
Examination Structure for Assessment (2024-25)
Class XII
TOTAL: 100 Marks
Theory: 30 Marks
Time: 02 hours
Practical (External Assessment) 70 Marks
Time: 20-25 Minutes for each candidate
- Examiners are requested to ask the questions directly related to the syllabus.
- Marks should be awarded in accordance with the marking scheme.
Distribution of Marks
Sr. No. | Value Points | Marks |
1. | Tuning of Instrument and questions regarding instrument. | 10 |
2. | Ability to perform choice Raga performance with Peshkar, Utham, Kayda, Rela, Tukra, Chakradar,Param and Gat in any prescribed Talas: Teentala /Aditala Rupak / Tevra | 20 |
3. | Tala of Examiner’s choice from the prescribe syllabus. | 15 |
4. | Accompaniment of Ektala /chautal in viambit & Drut Laya | 10 |
5. | Reciting of Tala and composition with hand beats in different layas. | 10 |
6. | Practical file | 5 |
* External examiner will refer to the distribution of marks while examining thecandidate forpractical examination.
Examination Structure for Assessment Class XII
Theory: 30 Marks
Time: 02 hours
- Questions to be set with internal choice covering the entire syllabus unit wise
- Candidate has to attempt at least one question from each unit.
Distribution of Marks
No. | Units | No. of Periods40 | Marks30
| Unit 1 | 08 | 06 |
1.1 | Short notes of the following Uthan. | 03 |
1.2 | Comparative study of thefollowing : Chautala –Ektala Jhaptala- Sultala. | 05 |
| Unit 2 | 08 | 06 |
2.1 | Layakari and its varietie | 05 |
2.2 | Brief description of Gharanas of Tabla or Pakhawaj | 03 |
| Unit 3 | 05 | 06 |
3.1 | History of Tabla | 05 |
| Unit 4 | 09 | 06 |
4.1 | Biographies of Pandit Kishan Maharaj , and Ustad Zakir Hussain | 04 |
4.2 | Silent feature of style and biography Raja Chatrapati Singh , Guru Purushotam Das. | 05 |
| Unit 5 | 10 | 06 |
5.1 | Writing notation of the prescribed Talas and compositions | 08 |
5.2 | Recognition of Talas from given portion of TheThekas and compositions. Prescribe Talas: Teentala or Adi tala, Rupak or Tevra | 02 |
Class- XII
Practical-100 Periods 70 Marks
Course Structures
Sr. no. | Topics | No. of Periods |
1. | Ability to Play Theka of Rupak on Tabla or Pakhawaj with simple elaborations. | 15 |
2. | Three Kayda, OneRela, One Sadharan Tukra or Paran, One Chakradar Tukra or Paran, One Farmaichi Chakrader in prescribed Talas | 20 |
3. | a) Ability to play One Advance Kayadas / Relas with two Paltas and Tihai, One simple Tukras, One Sadharan Chakradar Tukras or Parans, Two Damdar Tihais and one Paran in Rupak or Tevra Tala | 20 |
4. | Recitation of the prescribed Talas and composition with Thah, Dugun and Chaugun Laya keeping Tala with hand beats. | 18 |
5. | A few simple laggis in Dadra on Pakhawaj | 6 |
6. | Knowledge of tuning of instrument opted for | 05 |
7. | Solo performance of any one Tala of choice from the prescribed syllabus for 10-15 minutes | 10 |
8. | Ability to accompaniment with Folk songs | 3 |
9. | Ability to accompaniment with classical music – vocal | 3 |
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